“Ti je një luledielli”, fushata e Albana Osmanit fiton çmimin e rëndësishëm
Prezantuesja shqiptare, Albana Osmani tash e një kohë ka nisur fushatën “Ti je një luledielli”.
“Ti je një luledielli”, mban emrin fushata sensibilizuese e cila dhuroi dritë dhe mijëra buzëqeshje për fëmijët në nevojë, shkruan lajmi.net.
Kjo kauzë ka për qëllim ndihmesën e fëmijëve të prekur nga sëmundjet e gjakut, të cilët janë shtruar dhe trajtohen pranë shërbimit të onkohematologjisë pediatrike pranë QSUT.
Ndërsa tani, “Ti je një luledielli”, është shpallur Kampion i Europës Juglindore dhe Ballkanit nga Këshilli i Bashkëpunimit Rajonal.
“Shume te nderuara , sebashku me anetaren e Bordit te Fondacionit ,Zonja Anisa Kaltanji @kaltanjianisa ne Sarajeve me dt 13.03.2019, pranuam vleresimin per Fondacionin jo fitimprures You are a Sunflower @you_are_a_sunflower si Kampione te Rajonit , per Europen Juglindore dhe Ballkanin ,nga Sekretarja e Pergjithshme e RCC @regionalcooperationcouncil_rcc Zonja Majlinda Bregu”, ka shkruar Albana në Instagram. /Lajmi.net/
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We are honored to accept the award of “Regional Champion for South East Europe and Balkans” on behalf of You are a sunflower Foundation. @you_are_a_sunflower I want to heartily thank the Regional Cooperation Council and Mrs. Majlinda Bregu, the Secretary General, and all of you who decided to recognize our work and to stand with us for every child. @m.bregu @regionalcooperationcouncil_rcc Our next step will be a regional campaign! Wherever there is a child in need in the Balkans, we want to reach a hand that helps! Our region is a marvelous piece of land, blessed by nature, broken from history but united from the strength and the big heart of its people. We accept this award in the name of all those children, our little champions, who are out there battling for their lives. Thank you all in the name of “You are a sunflower” Foundation, our Board of Directors, and our ambassadors! Thank you to all the amazing people who supported us in every step of this journey. We did it! Heart to heart! Just like our beloved Saint Teresa said “we do small things with great love”. THANK YOU!!!!!!
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Shume te nderuara , sebashku me anetaren e Bordit te Fondacionit ,Zonja Anisa Kaltanji @kaltanjianisa ne Sarajeve me dt 13.03.2019, pranuam vleresimin per Fondacionin jo fitimprures You are a Sunflower @you_are_a_sunflower si Kampione te Rajonit , per Europen Juglindore dhe Ballkanin ,nga Sekretarja e Pergjithshme e RCC @regionalcooperationcouncil_rcc Zonja Majlinda Bregu @m.bregu . •••• Majlinda Bregu : Spreading the spirit of solidarity and tolerance beyond borders teaches young generations what really matters ! It is daunting to learn that the share of children (aged 0-15) at risk of poverty in the Western Balkans ranges up to 31.5%. Although very young, You are a Sunflower Foundation has already made a significant positive impact on the lives of many, dealing with the most sensitive group of our societies – children in need, by providing them necessary assistance and improving conditions they live in thus improving our societies.Such actions that spread sprit of solidarity and tolerance beyond national borders, with the language of humanity and empathy, will teach the young generations what is it that really matters,” said RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu.